About the Legislature

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1. Use the search box

Use the search box at the top of your screen to search for keywords (‘mining’, ‘renewable energy’), or document names (‘assembly bill 24’).

From the search results page, you can use the search filters on the right-hand side of your screen to narrow your search.

2. Use the specialized searches

Use the specialized searches linked on our homepage.

You can use these to find a particular kind of document more quickly; for instance, to search specifically for proposals.

3. Use RSS feeds

Use RSS feeds to stay up to date on recent actions or documents.

4. Use our document site help

There is additional help available here, in our documents site help pages.

5. Browse for documents

You can browse for documents on the legislative documents site.

Documents on this page are sorted by type:

  1. ‘Statutes’ are the state laws of Wisconsin. The state constitution is also available.
  2. ‘Administrative Code’ governs state departments and agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources. Changes to the Administrative Code are made using Clearinghouse Rules and Emergency Rules.
  3. The ‘Session’ section links to legislative documents from the current biennium, such as votes and bills. A biennium is the two-year period between elections to the legislature.
  4. The ‘Bulletin of Proceedings Indices’ includes indexes which sort documents by subject. For instance, the entry on sales tax in the acts index lists legislative acts involving sales tax. These subject indexes only show results from the current biennium. To find older subject indexes, use the search bar at the top of your screen.

6. Contact us

Some older documents aren’t online yet. If you can’t find a document online, contact the Legislative Reference Bureau for help.